We exist to display God's glory, declare God's truth, delight in God's Son, and disciple God's people

Accept One Another: A Plea For Unity In The Gray Areas – Part 4

Romans 14:16-23

1.   To Accept Those Who Are Weak In Faith 
        A.  Because the Lord Accepts Each Believer - vs. 1-3 
        B.  Because The Lord Upholds Every Believer - vs. 4  
        C.  Because the Lord Is Honored By Each Believer - vs. 5-1  
        D.  Because The Lord Will Hold Accountable Each Believer - Vs. 10-12 
2.   Avoid Placing Stumbling Blocks In The Way Of Each Other. 
        A.  Because It Violates The Law Of Love - Vs. 13-15 
This week:
 2.   Avoid Placing Stumbling Blocks In The Way Of Each Other.  (con't)
        B.  Because it misses the heart of God's kingdom - vs. 16-19
                  1 Corinthians 10:30    Matthew 6:33
        C.  Because it tears down God's work - vs. 20-21
        D.  Because it dismisses personal convictions - vs. 22-23