Matthew 5:38-42
. You have heard it said . . .
Evidence #1
Evidence #2
Evidence #3
Evidence #4
Retaliation is a common human response to hurt, BUT:
. Proverbs 20:22, 24:29; 1 Peter 2:21-23
Although it is never allowed, our tendency is to justify it
1. A False Attempt to Justify Retribution – Vs. 38
. Lex talionis – An eye for an eye . . .
. It is a punishment that fits the crime – Exodus 21:23, Leviticus 24:17:20, Deuteronomy 19:21
. To prevent a punishment that is too harsh
. It is enacted by civil authorities – not for personal offenses – Leviticus 19:18
2. A Divine Demand to Practice Kindness – Vs 39-42
. Do not resist an evil person, but evil should be confronted by law – 1 Peter 2:13-14, Romans 12:17-19
. . A. Personal Insults – Vs. 39
. . B. Legal disputes – Vs. 40
. . C. When forced to do something against your will – Vs. 41
. . D. Give liberally and do not turn away – Vs. 42