The Enemy Within: Straight Talk About the Power and Defeat of Sin. By Kris Lundgaard
If God has redeemed me from sin, and given me his Holy Spirit to sanctify me and give me strength against sin, why do I go on sinning? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Have you ever wondered why the very sin that you thought you had put to rest continues to rear its ugly head and plague you still? Such is the dilemma of indwelling sin for the believer. While, on the one hand, the penalty and power of sin has been destroyed through the work of Christ, on the other hand, the presence of sin remains. Believers will do battle with remaining sin until they are glorified.
Kris Lundgaard’s book, The Enemy Within, serves as a crucial help to believers in mortifying sin. Drawing upon John Owen’s classic works The Mortification of Sin and The Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalency of the Remainders of Indwelling Sin in Believers, he offers biblical and practical insights for overcoming sin.
As we begin 2016, let this book drive you to a holy hatred of sin and a radical pursuit of holiness.
Review submitted by Pastor Todd Dykstra