Title: Why We’re Protestant: An Introduction to the Five Solas of the Reformation
Author: Nate Pickowicz
Summary: Post tenebras lux! That phrase, Latin for “light after darkness,” serves as a fitting motto for the Protestant Reformation. After nearly a thousand years of abuse in the church, appropriately referred to as “the dark ages,” the Reformation brought to light the life-changing truths of the Word of God, rescuing the glorious Gospel from obscurity. Five hundred years later, the reverberations of this monumental event are still being felt and Maranatha Bible Church, a Protestant church, stands in a long line of churches who have benefited from its mighty impact. Each year for the last five years, we have celebrated Reformation Sunday by studying one of the five great solas which capture its significance. In Why We’re Protestant, Nate Pickowicz describes the origins of the Protestant Reformation and provides a helpful summary of these five solas. I encourage you to immerse yourself in this immensely readable work to appreciate the history of this great event and to connect its significance to your own life today.
Reviewed by: Dr. Todd Dykstra