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Book of the Month


Author:  John MacArthur

Summary:  There are times in your Christian walk, when you may be confronted with question concerning spiritual gifts. More specifically, individuals may ask you about things such as speaking in tongues, miraculous healings, or receiving new revelation from God. What about the health wealth and prosperity gospel that has dominated the landscape of so called “Christian Television” for the better half of the last 40 years? How will you answer the tough questions that arise concerning these topics? In this book, John MacArthur deals with these very issues. Although this book was written in 1978, it is just as relevant as it was then. MacArthur’s in depth research and robust understanding of the issues is very helpful. I found that as I turned each page, the questions I had previously struggled with began to be answered one by one. For further study, I would suggest that after reading this book you read MacArthur’s book called, “Strange Fire.” Both books help the Christian navigate through the muddy waters of the Charismatic movement.

Reviewed by: Pastor Joe Hamlin