Men’s Ministry Men's Training: Ecclesiology Class 1: The Master’s Plan for the Church Class 2: What is the Mission of the Church? Class 3: Trellis or vine work in the church? Class 4: What is discipleship? Class 5: A Biblical Understanding of Missions Men's Training: Man and His Home Week 1: Man as a Lover Week 2: Man as a Leader Week 3: Man as a Learner Week 4: Man as a Conflict Resolver‘ Week 5: Man as a Shepherd Leader at Home Men's Training: Foundation of Biblical Counseling Foundations of Biblical Counseling Men's Training: A Man's Character Character of a man Men's Training: Biblical Eldership Week 1: Biblical Eldership I Week 2: Biblical Eldership II Men's Training: A Proper Christology Week 1: The Person of Christ I Week 2: The Person of Christ II Week 3: The Person of Christ III Week 4: The Person of Christ IV Week 5: The Person of Christ V Week 6: The Work of Christ I