Cultivating Courage in Turbulent Times
Week 1: Black Lives Matter Evaluation
Audio File: Black Lives Matter Evaluation
Week 2: Social Justice Evaluation
Audio File: Social Justice Evaluation
Week 1: Building a Theology of Work
Week 2: What is a Biblical Work Ethic?
Week 3: Has work become my idol or my identity?
Week 4: Are some jobs more spiritual than others?
Week 5: Work / life balance.
Week 1: Defining the will of God.
Week 2: Wrong methods of discerning the will of God.
Week 3: The Holy Spirit’s role in discerning the will of God.
Week 4: Reconciling Evil in the World with God’s Sovereignty
Class 1 – The Danger of False Conversions
Class 2 – The Fascination with Mystical Revelation
Class 3 – The Confusion of Tongues Usage
Class 4 – The Controversy of Women Pastors
Class 2 Confronting Anxiety and Worry
Class 3 Confronting Discontentment
Class 4 Confronting Sinful Speech
Class 5 Confronting Sexual Impurity
Class 6 Confronting Lack of Self-Control
Week 1: Introduction and Survey of Spiritual Warfare in Scripture
Week 2: Putting on the Armor of God (Eph. 6:10-12)
Week 3: The Purpose of God’s Armor (Eph. 6:13)
Week 3: Sin in the Life of the Believer
Week 4: How to Mortify the Flesh Part I
Week 2: Why should we disciple?
Week 3: Excuses and Barriers to Discipleship
Week 4: How to disciple the hurting
Why do we believe what we believe?